10 reasons to end your relationship
We know break ups are terrible, and yes, relationships take work, but there’s no such thing as a “bad reason” to end a relationship — if your reasons are good enough for you, they’re good enough, period! Even if your relationship is 100% healthy, you never owe it to your partner to stay together just because nothing’s wrong.
If you’re experiencing abuse, though, it’s important to know that leaving an abusive partner is the most dangerous time in an abusive relationship, so if you need help breaking up safely, or creating a comprehensive and personalized overall safety plan, chat, call or text us today. Everyone has the right to end any relationship at any time for any reason.
Here are 10 reasons to consider ending your relationship:

Your pets don’t like them – they have great intuition!
You’re just with your partner for the sake of not being alone.
You don’t get to spend as much time together as you want/need from a partnership.
Each person wants different things out of a relationship (monogamy/polyamory) or life (kids/no kids).
You can’t reconcile your religious, racial, ethnic, class, political or ethical differences.
Neither you or your partner are individually in good places to be healthy partners, or you’re not ready to date at all.
Communication between you and your partner is not honest, open AND respectful at all times.
You don’t trust your partner, or they don’t trust you.
It’s no longer emotionally (and maybe also physically) safe for you to be with them.
You just don’t want to be in this relationship.
Your reasons are valid.
No matter what your reasons are for wanting to end your relationship, they’re valid. Your feelings are valid. Your needs are valid. You get to choose what happens next. And we’re here to help. loveisrespect advocates are available 24/7 by chat, phone and text if you are thinking about whether you should stay or go.
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